I photographed these plates with a digital camera.
The plates were placed on a window sill to take the pictures.
Hale 200 inch Telescope on Mount Palomar
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Andromeda Galaxy M31
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Large Magellanic Cloud
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Small Magellanic Cloud
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Galaxy Cluster
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Ring Nebula M57 in Lyra
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Veil Nebula
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Whirlpool Galaxy M51
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Great Orion Nebula M42
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Andromeda Galaxy M31 closeup
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Horsehead Nebula
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Hale 200 inch Telescope
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Sombrero Galaxy
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Hale 200 inch Telescope prime focus chair
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
elliptical galaxy
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
spiral galaxy
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Crab Nebula M1 Supernova Remnant
20 X 16 glass mounted transparency
Barringer Meteor Crater in Arizona
11 X 14 print
"Clyde Fisher with the Ahnighito Meteorite, brought from Greenland by Peary."
8 X 10 glossy print
Page last updated: March 25th 2006
Page created by John French