John French's January 2007 Trip to the Beach
Photo Log (Phlog)
{I just invented that word. If it catches on, let it be known I started it here!}
from January 28th, 2007 to February 3rd 2007

I left Michigan Sunday, January 28th and made it to Mount Airy, North Carolina. The trip through the Blue Ridge Mountains at night was quite nerve racking. There was a fair amount of snow and slush. Chemical was all over my car. The next day was picture perfect.

My First stop was the White Plains Baptist Church just on the outskirts of Mt. Airy. This was the church of Chang and Eng Bunker, the original Siamese twins.

Just behind the church is their grave. Missing from the grave is the liver of Chang and Eng. It's on display in the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia. I saw that last year!

This is Pilot Mountain. It's just a few miles from the town of Mount Pilot. Mount Pilot is to Mayberry as Shelbyville is to Springfield. Pilot Mountain is in Pilot Mountain State Park. I drove into the park and walked the trail around the top of the mountain. There were lots of scenic views from the top.

By sunset on Monday, I pulled into Sunset Beach as the sun was setting on Sunset Beach.

Wednesday I went to the beach and took a few photos and picked up some sand and seashells.

Friday, I started the drive home. I stopped overnight in Mt. Airy again and finished the drive Saturday. Dimondale, Michigan was under a blizzard warning and the temperature was around zero when I got home. Brrrr!!!
While with Mom and Dad, I scanned in a bunch of old photos that Nana left to Dad.

Here's me in the 1980's

Here's Dad, Nana and Gramps in the 1930's

This is Me, Dad, Grandma and Marc in the 1970's. That's a 1975 Ford LTD we're leaning on.

Cape Cod, August 1971 - Me on the Rollfast with a cheater slick, Mark on the Schwinn Typhoon with ape-hanger handle bars, and Mom and Dad on the $18 Columbia English Racer. Those were some nice bikes! No knobby tires there.

Cape Cod, Bank Street Beach - Summer, early 1960's